Youth Outreach

Classroom Presentations

Biodiversity JengaThe Water Rocks! team offers multiple learning modules to choose from when we visit classrooms. We will work with teachers to determine which module(s) best fit the audience and the time constraints for the event. Each lesson is adapted for grade level appropriateness and can easily be scaled up or down when visiting multiple grades within the same school. Each of our modules is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards.

The Water Rocks! team travels to schools for in-classroom presentations throughout the year.  We provide 2-3 Iowa State University faculty, staff, and/or student interns to present to your class and lead hands-on, interactive student activities.  

We find that the lessons are most effective when we work with students in relatively small groups - one class at a time (~30 students per class).  This allows the most opportunity for hands-on learning, interaction, and dialogue.  

Water Rocks! LogoAbout Water Rocks!

Water Rocks! is a statewide youth water education campaign that fosters the interplay of knowledge, caring and engagement among Iowa’s youth that can lead to long-term multigenerational transformation of all Iowans. Through a combination of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and the arts, Water Rocks! challenges and inspires all Iowans towards a greater appreciation of our water resources. Water Rocks! is based on campus at Iowa State University.

Water Rocks! partners include: Iowa Department of Natural Resources (United States Environmental Protection Agency/This cooperative project has been funded in part through the Section 319 of the Clean Water Act), Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Iowa Water Center, Iowa Learning Farms, and United States Department of Agriculture-National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Project Number 20114113031123)
